Saturday, 4 July 2009

This Africa was mine

This Africa Was Mine tells a part of the story of Baptist missions in Nyasaland and was published in 1950 by Stirling Tract Enterprise, USA.

There is an excellent introduction on the area's history by George Shepperson (Univ of Edinburgh).

The author is Emily BOOTH Langsworthy (b. 4th August, 1882), daughter of Joseph BOOTH, Baptist missionary to Nyasaland. She was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but they departed from Melbourne for Africa, and later wound up in America, though they also seem to have English ties.

Two famous atheists, Mr SYMES and Robert INGERSOLL p37 prompt them to take up the challenge after a debate in Melbourne, in which Ingersoll suggests that if Booth is a true Christian he will sell his goods and go into the world to preach the gospel. Booth decides he will.

This little book tells the story of the Booths' time in Nyasaland from around July 1892-4. Her mother died shortly before they went out.

"The bottle, the Bible and the bullet are significant symbols of the types of white men who went..."

A paraphrased quote from David Livingstone near the end of the book (p.136) in a letter to his daughter Agnes:

"the child of a missionary bears the mark of Cain upon his forehead and is doomed to be a wanderer on the face of the earth and to have no home"

Other names...

John Edward BOOTH (her brother, Eddie, p40, arrived end of 1893, died Feb 22nd 1894, p104; p.133)

Mr MANGIN (on boat and continuing up to work as secretary for John BUCHANAN in Blantyre, died c. Dec 1892)

Miss WALKER (on coastal steamer, Mozambique area, where they arrive at the mouth of the
Zambezi to work their way up river)

Alexander ROSS, British Vice Consul at Beira

Mr CANNON (on the boat, shooting things as they go, p22)

Dr ELMSLIE (of Livingstonia)

John MOIR (Manager, African Lakes Company, p38; Mandala) also his wife, p54, p98 Zomba

John BUCHANAN (wealthy coffee plantation owner, p42, d.1892)

Dr SCOTT (Blantyre mission)

Dr JOHNSTON (of Jamaica)

Rev Dr Alexander HETHERWICK (p47, "brought the house down" with rendition of the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo, at Christmas show)

Harry JOHNSTON (Government official, p48, 57, 100)

Captain SCLATER (government)

Mr GIBBS (African Lakes Company, 1893, p52, whose house they occupy)

David LIVINGSTONE (local boy named after DL)

Mrs George FENWICK (Blantyre mission, took refuge 1884, p.124)
Mr George FENWICK (went as lay missionary 1881, dismissed for cruelty, became a hunter and killed CHIPATULA in dispute over ivory; killed by Chipatula's sons)

Mrs ZEZUZEE (Blantyre mission, trained at Lovedale, Cape Colony, married, widowed)

Johnstone ZEZUZEE (son of above, aged about 10; p54)

Mr EDWARDS (p103, unmarried, middle aged arrived in October 1892, died within a few weeks of malaria)

MASEYA (Makololo chief, p64, one of David Livingstone's men, along with
MAKWIRA settled on the banks of the Zambezi and Shire rivers amongst the Nyanja people)

KAMTADJA (Chief, p81, Mitsidi)

Miss THOMAS (From Durban, p85)

Dr and Mrs FALLON (from England, 1893)
Arthur FALLON (their son, p97)

Mrs HAWKINS (p88)
Mr HAWKINS (resident missionary at Big Chillingani, p1303)

Joseph NTEMADZANI married Nellie ACHIKAKAWA 20th Aug 1893, p.94. (Nellie worked for Ms Thomas)

MONGA (carpenter, p98)

Alexander HAMILTON (Mitsidi, July 1893? p.107)

Peter ROSS (p.116, 125)

Harry PETTIT (elephant hunter p128)

Mr and Mrs MILLER (p133, moved into "Ailsa Craig")

1 comment:

  1. Re George Finnick (Fenwick) for the correct version look here


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