Another index... The subtitle of this book is "The life and times of Charles Fisher, a surgeon in central Africa". This is by Monica Fisher. My copy was published by Mission Press, PO Box 71581, Ndola, Zambia in 1991.
This is a sequel to "Ndotolu - The life and stories of Walter and Anna Fisher of Central Africa" (formerly published as "Africa looks ahead"; see elsewhere on this blog for an index to this book) and tells the story of Walter's son Charles and his time as a surgeon in Northern Rhodesia at Kalene Hill hospital and elsewhere. There are mentions of a number of British visitors and Charles' time in England while studying at Cambridge and in Southern Rhodesia. There is quite a bit on hospitals on the copperbelt.
According to this account, Walter was influenced by Arnot, a neighbour of David Livingstone in Hamilton Scotland, to make his mark in Africa. Charles later followed in Walter's footsteps and made great contributions to medicine in Zambia. The book roughly covers the period 1900-1981, although there is also a repeated account of some of the information in Africa Looks Ahead / Ndotolu.
Unfortunately I read this so long ago that I am not going to attempt a fuller account of the book, but it is well referenced and indexed, so I will repeat some of the index here. The book also includes a lot of genealogical information on the Fisher and Darling family trees. One gets the impression that more would be available from the author. Good reading...
Here are (most of) the names in the index. I have left out most place names:
Acheson, Denis, Dr Jim, Mrs Maud
Adamson, A.L.
Allison, Vyvyan
Amos, Margery
Arnot, Frederick Stanley m Harriet Fisher
Ashton, Dr Leigh
Asnot, Boaz
Auchinleck, Sir Claud
Ayer, Frank
Aylward, Gladys
Barklie, Hester
Clark, J.A., Kenneth
Clough, Eric and Mrs
Coillard, M
Collier, William
Cook, The Drs
Cooke, A.J.
Copeman, A.E.
Coryndon, Sir Robert
Cottrell, John and Daphne
Crathorne, Lord
Crawford, Dan
Creech Jones, Arthur and Mrs
Cross, Revd A.J., J.W.
Dalhousie, Earl
Darling, Ada wife of Dr JSD
Darling, Rev Charles m Hester Barklie
Darling, Eileen dau of Dr SD
Darling, Guy son of Dr SD m. Dr. G. Revington
Fisher, Harriet "Trottie"
Darling, Henry twin of SE d.1867
Darling, James m. Hilda Maxwell
Darling, John (Revd) d.1620
Darling, John Singleton m (1) Mary Johnston (2) Isabella Knox
Darling, Letitia Belinda "Linnie"
Darling, Marrian
Darling, Dr J Singleton m (1) Ada Belcher (2) Marjorie Shillington
Darling, Ronald son of Dr SD
Darling, Susanna nee ffolliott m James Darling
Darling, William D son of JSD
Darling, WD ffolliott, Cousin ACF
Davey, William (FRCS)
Dixon, Dr Patrick (FRCS)
Dixon, capitao
Dlamini, Edith
d'Orsini, Contessa
Dowds, Dr Jack
English, Reginald
Ervine family
Faulknor, WL
Fisher, Alfred Charles m Monica nee Hanford
Fisher, Anne dau W ffolliott F m R Wyatt
Fisher, Charles Walter Stewart b1943 m Louise nee Rhodes
Fisher, Dr Georgina nee Revington m (1) Guy Darling(2) Wilfred Fisher
Fisher, Grenfell
Fisher, Henry d. WWI
Fisher, Herbert d. WWI
Fisher, Hester Chilombo "Hettie"
Fisher, Joyce m Gordon Grout
Fisher, Kitty nee Marks m W Singleton Fisher
Fisher, Michael Hugh b 1949 m Jann Oosthuizen
Fisher, M Monica nee Hanford m A.C.F
Fisher, Pearl 1899-1901
Fisher, Pearl dau WSF m (1) Victor Reed (2) Peter Lavers
Fisher, Rachel nee Starkey m W.B.F.
Fisher, Susanna (Anna) nee Darling m WF (1865-1937)
Fisher, Terence "Terry" son of WSF
Fisher, Dr Theodore
Fisher, Dr Walter "Ndotolu"
Fisher, Walter ffolliott 1898-1966 m Ethelwynne Marks
Fisher, Wilfred m Georgina Darling nee Revington
Fisher, William Benjamin 1828-1899 m Rachel Starkey
Fisher, W. Singleton 1895-1960 son of WF m Kitty Marks
ffolliott, Susanna m James Darling
Franklin, Harry
Fraser, Drs Donald and Agnes
Fraser, Revd George m Jean Mieklejohn
Freedendal, Fritz and Friedl
Gall, RB
Ghyoot, Dr E and Mrs
Gibbons, Maj A StH
Gilbert, Dr Frank
Glatthaar, Dr Leo
Goldman, Prof Edwin Monck m Lorna Bosworth-Smith
Goldman, Lorna
Gondwe, Alfred
Goodfellow, Derek
Gore-Browne, Sir Francis m Helenor Shaw-Stewart
Gore-Browne, Lorna nee Goldman
Gore-Browne, Mabyl
Gore-Browne, Robert 1893-1972 m Margaret Elias
Gore-Browne, Sapphire
Gore-Browne, Lt Col Sir Stewart m Lorna
Gore-Browne, Sir Thomas m Harriet Campbell
Gore-Browne, Rev Wilfred 1st Bishop of Kuruman and Kimberley
Gouzee, M
Greenberg, Dr
Green-Wilkinson, Oliver (Archbishop)
Grenfell, Joyce
Grenville-Grey, Wilfrid m Edith Dlamini
Hall, Elsie (pianist) m Dr Stohr
Hammond, RW
Hanford, Eliza nee Lacey m William Hanford
Hanford, Dr Francis W m Joan Austin-Holmes
Hanford, Rev Cannon Hugh D m Sapphire Gore-Brown 1887-1970
Hanford, William 1938-1921 m Eliza Lacey
Hannah, Dr James
Harding, Col Colin
Harris-Evans, Rev Douglas b 1907 m Helenor Hanford
Harris-Evans, Helenor
Haslam, Dr JFC
Henderson, Dr
Hewitt, Rev George
Highton, medical orderly
Hillary, Sir Edmund
Hilwood Farm
Hooper, Dr Otto (Nkana)
Howell, Dr James (FRCS)
Hoyte, Dr Julyan 1892-1969 m (1) Rachel Mary "May" Fisher (2) Adelaide Hobbs
Hoyte, Raymond d WWI
Hoyte, William and Henrietta nee Merryshaw
Hoyte, Wyn m. P.Last
Hunt, Margaret wife of P. Hunt
Hunt, Norman (architect)
Hunt, Peter (FRCS) m Margaret
Huggins, Sir Godfrey
Huxley, Elspeth
Hyland, Jane m 1784 Charles Singleton
Hyland, Susan
Iain, F, Peter, Patricia (? earlier in index)
Iceley, Rev Barnard
Ingborg (?) Lewis
Ingham, John
Irvine, Dr Dorothy nee Last b 1916
Irwin, David
James, Sinkonde (cook)
James, chauffeur
James, Gordon
Johnson, J (MP)
Johnston, Sir H.
Joloki, capitao
Jonas, chauffeur
Jones, Sir Glyn (Nyasaland)
Jones, Mrs Matron
Joubert, Frank & Mrs Enid Goldman
Judson, EW head of Sakeji School
Kalulu, game guard
Kama, Chief
Kamanga, Reubin
Kanmer, Dr & Mrs
Kamona, nursemaid
Kamona (Nyawili)
Kapwepwe, Simon
Kasavubu, president of Zaire
Kashiba ka Beno Mofya
Katilungu, Lawrence
Kaunda, Dr Kenneth & Betty
Komoka, capitao
Kruger, Paul (Transvaal)
Lane, F
Last, Percy m Wyn nee Hoyte d 1917 dau Dorothy
Lavers, Pearl (Fisher)
Lawless, Drs James and Margaret
Leiper, prof.
Lenshina, Alice
Lewanika, King
Lewis, Arthur (architect)
Lewis, CS, HK
Lewis, O, stepgrandson of Mrs Boake m Ingborg Ellis
Lewis, Dr (neurosurgeon)
Lippert company
Livingstone, David
Llewellin Hospital (Kitwe central)
Lobengula, chief
Locke-King, Ethel DBE nee Gore-Browne m Hugh LK
Lubwa mission
Lumumba, Patrice
Lwenge Lodge
Lynn, Joseph
MacGregor "one-eyed" (could be same as in Ndotolu)
Mackenzie, WJ "Mac"
MacLaren, AB "Sandy"
Macleod, Revd Lord George
MacMinn, Revd and Mrs
Mahanga, wife of Msidi
Makangala, hunter
Makulu, Rev Henry
Malcomson, Rodney MP, dentist
Manasseh, medical orderly
March, Charles Earl
Maria, wife of Msidi
Marks, Ethel nee Burgess
Marks, Betty (Mrs Muir)
Marks, Ethelwynne
Marks, Joyce
Marsh, Joy nee Hanford b 1917 m Major Jeremy Marsh
Matthews, Rev Peter
McMullan, Mary Joy Susanna nee Fisher b 1948 m Terence McMullan
McNeil, Alec and Eve
Menzies, IR "Bob" & Cosette
Miller, Bruce
Millman, William
Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation
Moffat, Rev Malcolm
Moffat, Sir John
Monckton, Lord
Monema, wife of Msidi
Moore, Mike
Morris, Revd Colin
Morris, Thomas
Mouchet, Dr
Msidi (Mushili, Msiri) Chief
Mudenda, Elijah
Mwanakatwe, John
Mwanta Tamvwa, Paramount chief
Mwenzo mission
Nana Candundu
Nangle EJ
Ndona, Miss, Mrs
Ndubeni, chief
Nelson, cook
Nightingale, Edythe
Nightingale, Florence
Nightingale, Hester "Hettie" nee Fisher 1901-1935 m Rowlan N
Nightingale, Rowland
Nkumbula, Harry
Noak, Hans (architect)
Ntambu, chief
Nyakatolo, chieftainess
Nyawili (Kamona)
Ogden, John pianist
O'John, Mrs
orphanage at Sakeji
Osler, Sir William
Paddy (Bruce Miller)
Patel, D.L.
Payne, Charles
Philips, Celia nee Hanford b 1917 m Rev Rees Phillips, son Robert
Plat, Dr BS
Plumtree school
Pollett, Hugh
Ponsonby, Sir Charles, Winifred
Porto, Senhor Silva
Powdermaker, Prof Hortense
Prain, Sir Ronald
Pridie, Dr Kenneth (FRCS)
Pyke, Dr Hugh
Rand, Dr
Rennie, Sir Gilbert
Revington, Dr Georgina
Rhodes, Cecil
Rhodes, Louise (Fisher)
Richards, Dr Audrey
Ritchie, Lt General Neil
Rodger, Dr LM
Ross, Sir Ronald
Russell, Judge
Sailunga, chief
Sakaumba, chief
Sakeji school
Samuel, Satangama
Saxton, Drs Dorothy & George
Schindler, Freddy
Scweitzer, Dr Albert
Scott, Dr Alexander
Scott, Mrs Jeannine
Scott, Sir Peter
Sebituane, chief
Secuti's drift
Selby-Taylor, Rev
Senff, Mr
Sharp, R
Sharp, Dr Ruby
Sharpe, Sir Alfred
Sheehan, Prof
Shiwa Ngandu estate and hospital
Short, Prof & Mrs Rendle
Sillett, Rev Frederick & Dr Rachel
Singleton, Charles m Jane Hyland 1784
Singleton, Martha m Abraham ffolliott 1806
Sisters of charity
Smith, Dr Stanley
Smith, Mr, superintendent Shiwa hospital
Spare, Mrs Pat
Spock Dr B
Springer, Bishop & Mrs
Stairs, capt William Grant
Starkey, Rachel
Steele, Percy supt Luanshya hospital
Stirling, Col Sir David
Stockton, Revd James
Stohr, Dr
Storke, Arthur D
Sugg, John
Susman, Otto
Sutton, Angela nee Gore-Browne m (1) B Bell (2) J Sutton
Swan, CA
Tanner, Norman (FRCS) & dau Anne
Temple, Rev Merfyn
Thesiger, Wilfrid
Thompson, HB
Thorndyke, Dame Sybil & Sir Hugh Casson
Thornycroft, Henry
Tottie, cape coloured
Tremain, John general manager
Tredgold, Mr Justice
Trotter, Mrs Nancy
Tshombe, Moise
Tshopo river
Tysoe, Captain
Vambe, Lawrence
Vibetti, Mr
Victoria falls hotel
Von Lingen, Phyllis "Prune"
Waddington, Sir John
Walker, Mackie
Walters, Vera m P Withpetersen
Watson, Sir Malcolm
Wedgwood Harold
Welensky, Sir Roy
Wheeler, Jim m Joyce Marks dau Susan
Wide, Dr ER
Wili, medical orderly
Williams, Emlyn (actor)
Williams, Dr B
Wina, Arthur MP
Wingate, General Orde
Winther, AS
Wood, Dr Michael
Woodrow Cross, Eileen nee Bruce Miller b1919 m JW Cross
Woodrow Cross J
Yendeka, Mr
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Hi. Dr Georgina Fisher (Nee Revington) was my Great Grandmother. What is your interest in the Fisher Family?
ReplyDeleteNone in particular, I am just providing resources for people and am interested in Zambian history in general.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me more about Georgina Revington Darling Fisher and her life/work in Central Africa as well as more on her husbands? I am also interested in her own family - parents/siblings.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Can anyone help? When I get a chance I will see if I can find anything relevant in the book.
DeleteSo I've had a look and (as is quite usual) there isn't much there apart from a mention. In this case the main reference is the family tree itself. Although Georgina's name is in the index in a few places there is nothing much to note there. There is a photo in 1930 at Kalene Hill, which you can't glean much from (a shaded head in a sun hat to the rear of a crowd). We read that Georgina took over at Kalene when Charles 'found himself out of tune with the attitudes of the Brethren to medicine and education'.
ReplyDeleteWe are also told that Georgina Darling (nee Revington) was widowed in 1916 and later married Charles's cousin Wilfred Fisher.
We also hear that Georgina worked at Roan Antelope mine, until ill health forced her to give up.
I didn't find anything else to note, I'm afraid. You might be able to get more information from the author or her family.
many thanks Anton for your research. Here is more information about Dr. Georgina Revington. I will be updating the research with additional information in the next few days.Tracy Lee Grant you have living family in Tralee Co. Kerry, Ireland. Do let me know if you would like to make contact with them.